Saturday, March 26, 2011

[NEWS] 110326 Miss A's Suzy reveals, "BEAST's Yang Yoseob is my ideal type" @helloimys @missA_suzy


Miss A's Suzy reveals, "BEAST's Yang Yoseob is my ideal type"

Miss A’s Suzy, who played the role of Goh Haemi from the popular KBS drama ‘Dream High’ has revealed her personal ideal type.

In the KBS2TV school variety show ‘100 Points Out of 100’, Suzy appeared with Secret’s Sunhwa, T-Ara’s Sohyun, G.NA and more and was asked if she had a male ideal type out of BEAST’s Yoseob, Simon D, Dalmatian’s Daniel, who were the male guests that appeared on the show.

When Suzy revealed her ideal type asked by the MCs… The winner came out to be BEAST’s Yang Yoseob

To this, MC Park Kyunglim asked Suzy to choose between Kim Soohyun, 2PM’s Taecyeon and Wooyong from ‘Dream High’ or BEAST’s Yang Yoseob. However, once again Suzy had chosen BEAST’s Yang Yoseob without any hesitation winning jealousy from other male stars on the show.

Meanwhile, Suzy stated that she had chosen Yoseob because cute boys had always been her ideal type and Yoseob stated that he was so happy that he was chosen by her.

In addition, Suzy and Yoseob were told to have a eye contact time, but Yoseob had looked away quickly in the middle because he was shy. Their sunbae Danny from god and Shim Eunjin from Baby Vox stated, “Yoseob looks nervous psychologically,” and “It looks as if they are actually dating.”


[NEWS] 110322 COVER STORY(5) Yang Yoseob @helloimys


110322 COVER STORY(5) Yang Yoseob

COVER STORY(5) <광화문 연가> 양요섭

100퍼센트의 청춘

양 요섭이 처음 세종문화회관이라는 위용 넘치는 극장에 발을 들였던 것은, 예전 소속사 엠보트의 선배 윤형렬이 콰지모도 역으로 출연하는 <노트르담 드 파리>를 보기 위해서였다. 늘 봐왔던 형이 전혀 다른 모습으로 무대를 채우는 것에 경탄하면서도 나도 저런 걸 하고 싶다는 생각은 없었다. 그저 좋은 곡이 많으니까 나중에 불러봐야겠다 생각했던, 노래밖에 모르던 소년은 불과 몇 년 후 바로 그 무대에 뮤지컬 배우로 서게 되었다.

이 름 앞에 소속 그룹명이 붙는 아이돌이 <광화문 연가>에 캐스팅되었다는 사실이 의외라고 생각하는 이들도 비스트의 양요섭이라는 이름에 어느 정도 납득을 하는 분위기가 될 수 있었던 것은 ‘노래 잘하는 아이돌’이라는 인식 때문이었을 것이다. 하지만 아직 젊다기보다는 어리다는 표현이 더 어울릴 법한 1990년생, <광화문 연가>의 정서와는 거리가 있을 법한 세대인 데다가 이제 갓 미성년자 꼬리표를 뗀 그에게 프로듀서 지용 역은 쉽지 않은 과제가 아닐까. “음 반을 만드는 작업을 해본 경험이 있다는 게 지용이라는 캐릭터를 보여주는 데 도움이 되지 않을까 싶어요. 제가 예전에 엠보트에 있을 때 먼데이 콘서트라는 공연을 정기적으로 했는데, 그때 이문세 선배님의 곡들을 부르면서 처음 이영훈 작곡가님의 음악을 접했어요. 사실 고등학교 때 밴드를 해서 그 전까지는 록이나 팝 음악 위주로 많이 들어서 예전 가요를 잘 몰랐어요. 그런데 이영훈 작곡가님의 곡들은 일렉 위주인 요즘 음악과 다르게 클래식 기타, 피아노로 소박하게 만들어졌더라고요. 사운드적인 면에서는 지금 기준으로는 좀 올드하다고 느낄 수 있는데도 곡 자체의 감정이 진실하게 와 닿는 게 참 좋았어요.”

아이돌 가수들의 뮤지컬 무대 진출에 대해 불만이 쌓여있는 마니아들의 의심에 찬 시선에 위축되지는 않을까, 심술궂은 의문이 생겼다. “사실 저희가 데뷔를 할 때도 안 좋게 보는 시선이 많았어요. 다른 그룹을 따라한다는 비난도 많이 들었고, 그래서 처음에는 방송국에 가는 게 좀 무서울 때도 있었어요. 그런데 막상 무대에 올라가서 저희의 모습을 최선을 다해서 보여드리니까 그런 편견을 가지고 계셨던 분들이 오히려 더 응원을 해주시더라고요. 뮤지컬도 똑같을 것 같아요. 아이돌이 뮤지컬을 하는 것에 대해 안 좋아하시는 분들도 계시겠지만, 제가 보여드릴 수 있는 또 다른 매력이 있다면, 다르게 봐주실 거라고 믿어요. 그래서 그런 부정적인 시선이 무섭다고 생각하지는 않아요.”

이 츠학을 연기했던 김영지와의 인연으로 보게 된 <헤드윅>이 무척 멋있어서, 지금 당장은 어렵겠지만 언젠가는 그 작품을 할 수 있었으면 좋겠다는 예상 밖의 꿈을 이야기하는 이 ‘아이돌’은 <광화문 연가>의 넘버 중에서 자신에게 가장 의미가 있는 곡으로 먼데이 콘서트에서 부르면서 반해버렸던 ‘난 아직 모르잖아요’나 ‘깊은 밤을 날아서’가 아니라, ‘가을이 오면’을 손꼽았다. “제작 발표회 때 그 곡을 불렀는데요. 그때 만큼 무대에서 떨어본 적은 거의 없었어요. 지금도 그 곡을 들으면 제작 발표회 때의 분위기가 생생하게 느껴지면서 떨려 와요. 그 느낌을 생각하면 정말 잘하고 싶어요.” 무조건 나를 편들어줄 것 같고, 내가 잘되기만을 바라는 팬들이 아니라 얼마든지 냉정하고 신랄한 반응을 쏟아낼 수 있는 일반 관객들 앞에 서는 부담은 결코 적지 않을 것이다. “처 음 리딩을 갔을 때 이지나 선생님께서 좋은 말씀을 해주셨어요. 정말 다정한 말씀이었는데, 오히려 그런 부드러운 이야기가 화내는 것보다 더 무서울 때가 있잖아요. 이제 본격적으로 단체 연습에 들어가면 한번 호되게 혼나봐야 할 것 같아요. 물론 혼날 때는 무섭고 힘들겠지만, 아직까지 제가 뮤지컬에 대해서 잘 모르니까, 그렇게 배우고 싶어요.” 잠 잘 시간은 없어도 꿈 꿀 시간은 충분한 청춘다운 말이었다.

COVER STORY(5) Yang Yoseob

100% of youth

The first time Yang Yoseob entered Sejong Cultural Center was to watch his ex-agency Mboat's sunbaenim Yoon Hyungryul acting in as Quassimodo. Even though he was in awe with his hyung filling up the stage with totally different appearace, he had no thought of doing what his hyung was doing. He just thought he would try singing the songs because there were so many good songs in the musical. He was a boy who only knew singing, but after only a few years, he stood on the stage as a musical actor.

Even though people thinks it's unique that an idol was casted in , the atmosphere is approving because BEAST Yang Yoseob is known as 'idol who sings well'. But instead of the word 'young', the word 'little' suits better for him who was born on 1990. We predict that his role as Jiyong is a big project for him because his generation is far from the feelings of and it's not been long since he became an adult. "I think my experience of working on a album will help me act out the character, Jiyong. When I was in Mboat long time ago, we regularly held a Monday Concert. I became aware of the songs of composer Lee Younghoon-nim when I sang Lee Moonse sunbaenim's songs at the concert. To tell the truth, I listened to more of rock and pop than old songs when I was a member of a band in high school. But the songs of composer Lee Younghoon-nim were made only with classic guitar and piano unlike the present songs that are mostly electric. The sound part mind seem old for the present standard but I like the fact that the emotions of the song itself is genuine."

We had an ill-tempered doubt about whether he will be discouraged due to the fact that maniacs are disapproving of idols from entering the world of musical. "To tell the truth, many people viewed us disapprovingly when we debuted. We heard many criticism that we are copying other groups, so we were scared to go to the broadcast station at first. But then when we went up to the stage and started showing others that we work diligently, people who criticized us started supporting us. I think it will be the same for the musical. There are some people who dislike idols doing musical, but if I have other charms to show them, I'm positive that they will view it differently. That's why I don't think it's scary how people view this."

He had also confessed that that even though it's impossible to do it right now, he wants to try performing one day. He watched through the connection with Kim Youngji who acted as Yitzkhaq. He chose 'When the Autumn Comes' as a song most meaningful to him between 's tracks including 'I Don't Know Yet' and 'Flying Through the Deep Night', which he sang and fell love with during the Monday Concert. "I sang that song during the press conference. I have never been nervous on a stage until I sang that song. I still get nervous when I hear that song because it reminds me of the day of the press conference. I really want to do well, remembering that." His burden won't be small performing in front of normal audience who can always judge coldly and sharply unlike the fans who would always be on his side, and always wish for him to do well. "When I first went to the reading, instructor Lee Gina-nim told me good words. It was really tender words, but you know how saying things softly are scarier than saying things angrily. I think I need to get severly punished when we do practice all together. Of course it will be hard and scary when I get in trouble, but I don't know a lot about musical so I want to learn it in this way." These were the words coming from a youth who has enough time to dream, even though there is not enough time to sleep.


[NEWS/INFO] Provocative Jihyun' Secret? Jihyun's solo teaser unveiled!

What is 4Minute's JiHyun secret she has been hiding until now?

After disclosing Hyun Ah and JiYoon's solo teasers early this week,4Minute' STEAL 20 concept has sparked great interest among netizens and fans who are craving for more.A few hours ago,Cube Entertainment has unleashed leader JiHyun's voluptuous video teaser.

What is 4Minute's JiHyun secret she has been hiding until now?

After disclosing Hyun Ah and JiYoon's solo teasers early this week,4Minute' STEAL 20 concept has sparked great interest among netizens and fans who are craving for more.A few hours ago,Cube Entertainment has unleashed leader JiHyun's voluptuous video teaser.

The "Chalala Girl" we knew seems to have vanished and transformed into a self-confident,
provocative and sexy lady who is well aware of her charms.

She has broke away from her innocent image and is ready to show her new self to the world.

Sporting a flamboyant red hair,wearing a black plunging neckline dress that
underlines her silhouette,JiHyun is looking at her brand-new self in the mirror.

As she puts on perfume,she tells herself:

"My reflection in the mirror,is not everyday alike .
What i've revealed of myself so far,isn't all of me.
The secret that no one but me knows ,buried deep within me,i will now reveal it."

The teaser ends with the same question :"Mirror,mirror,tell me who is the prettiest in the world?"

Who's your favorite JiHyun? Sexy JiHyun or Pure JiHyun?

Source: Asia Today via Nate + + 4Minute Official @ Youtube
Translation + Reporting + Editing : Yoobin

Thursday, March 24, 2011

[NEWS/INFO] Two Faced JiYoon's MV Teaser Disclosed!

Cube Entertainment has just unleashed 4Minute's JiYoon MV Teaser.

JiYoon is shown facing a mirror and wondering about her different personalities as her reflection in the mirror changes.

She wonders : "Did you already see all of my charms?

My fierce self,and my pretty self.

You haven't seen it all yet.

I will show it all to you.

My brand-new charms,anticipate it and love it."

This is a metaphor of how people perceive JiYoon and what she has revealed of herself so far.
She,as a cameleon,has multiple versions of herself and can adapt her personality depending on what she wants people to see.

The teaser ends with a question :"Mirror,mirror,tell me who is the prettiest in the world?"

What are you thoughts on the second teaser?

Source: +4Minute Official @ youtube
Translation +Edition + Reporting : Yoobin
Special thanks to : Meeli

[NEWS] HyunA teased fans for their MATURE and SEXY comeback

credits to FYkimhyuna

CUBE Entertainment is truly hyping us all by finally slowly releasing several teasers for 4minute's Comeback!

After releasing an audio teaser, followed by the group's concept photos, CUBE has finally revealed an awesome 40-second video teaser of HyunA showing her voluptuous body with her black dress.

credits to FYkimhyuna

CUBE Entertainment is truly hyping us all by finally slowly releasing several teasers for 4minute's Comeback!

After releasing an audio teaser, followed by the group's concept photos, CUBE has finally revealed an awesome 40-second video teaser of HyunA showing her voluptuous body with her black dress.

In the teaser, she says: “When I turned 20, I thought that the whole world would become mine. My thought wasn’t wrong. The world is cheering at me. Is it waiting for me? Right now I’m just one whole world.”

She later then stares at herself and kisses her reflection in the mirror, with a strange music playing in the background. The teaser ends with the question, “Mirror, mirror, who’s the prettiest in the world?”

We're expecting to have another video teaser of another member of the group by the upcoming days. Let us all be excited and support 4minute's comeback! For now, we would like to know what you think about this video?

Source: AllKpop and 4Minuteofficial's Youtube Channel
Reporting + Editing:

[Twitter Update] @helloimys

우히힛~~~~~~백점만점 대박나랏!!!!!!!@: 요섭이의공식포~즈. 뮤지컬대박기원!"

credits: @helloimys + 4-minuteandbeast
Please take out with full credits.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

[NEWS/INFO] 4Minute reveals Classy & Chic looks : Official Teaser to be unleashed on the 24th

안녕하세요. 큐브엔터 입니다.

2011년 3월 23일 (수) 4minute 다섯 멤버의 티저 이미지 사진이 공개 되었습니다.

한층 더 성숙해진 모습으로 공개 된 사진은
4minute 원본 게시판에서 고화질로 보실 수 있습니다.

하나하나 새로운 모습을 계속해서 공개 할 예정이오니,

앞으로 더 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


4Minute is ready to hit the korean music scene with another hit,as predicted by the revelation of the teaser images today.
After having teased fans with a mysterious background and a hint on the girls' new single with the words "STEAL 20" and a 30 second audio teaser, Cube Entertainment has unleashed early this morning,individual teaser images of 4Minute's members via their official homepage.

4Minute's ladies have startedtheir transformation from girls to ladies through their new concept pictures and through the mirror's reflection,it appears clearly that the girls have matured,which is shown through their attitude,pose and overall appearance.

From their "Hot Issue" days to their new image,4Minute has taken the next step to their new evolution,and is constantly coming back with stronger and fiercer looks.

Hyun Ah is wearing a black mini dress,rocking the all black look,with her sexy figure.

JiYoon has gone for the rock style,having harmonized the look with accessories,and revealing her left shoulder.

GaYoon seems to have turned into an actress,she went for the dramatic touch and glamorous make up.

Pure and innocent Jihyun has now turned into a sexy lady by wearing a plunging neckline dress that reveals her slim silhouette.

Last but not least,4Minute's maknae is the only one wearing a white outfit,but her pose and expressions are what shows her maturity instead of her clothes.

4Minute debuted in June 2009 with the single "Hot Issue",they have proved to be popular with catchy tunes and fashionable looks through their singles "Muzik","HUH" and "I MY ME MINE".

Through their new record,4Minute's girls have wanted to show their determination and evolution in the music scene,and are ready to compete with other artists.

Meantime,4Minute's official teaser video will be unveiled on March 24th and the single will be released digitally on various music sites on the 29th.

Source: Newsen + 4minute's official fancafe
Translation + Reporting + Editing : Yoobin

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

[INFO] 4Minute helping out at Japan aid concert

As everyone knows, the recent tsunami has affected Japan and its citizens both psycologically and economically. South Korea, though who have had some bad blood with Japan in the past, has showed their compassion and care with a concert in aid for the devastated country. The show, aired on KBS World TV, featured many teen idols, although they did not perform.

4Minute, along with Beast, UKISS, CNBLUE and FT Island, were seen helping out in donation efforts. They were spotted backstage operating the donation helpline. It is indeed heartwarming to see celebrities taking time off their busy schedule to contribute to an aid project in benefit of a broken country. Applause for 4Minute!

Source: KBS world TV

[NEWS/INFO] 4Minute's comeback teaser unveiled - Countdown started after one year

Happy news for 4Nias!

One year after introducing the upbeat song "HUH", 4minute's ladies are back with a teaser unveiled on their official website, which announces the group's comeback.

On March 22nd, Cube Entertainment launched a countdown on 4minute's official homepage, and what fans could see was a dark background with the words "STEAL 20" written in silver grey, picking the curiosity of fans.

"STEAL 20" represents the process of growing, as the girls are heading into their 20s.

Through this album, 4minute's members will bring to their fans a whole new side of themselves. It also symbolizes a new evolution of their image, music and sound ,leading to an upgraded version of 4minute, with a more mature sound and a stronger image.

And there is more to it as a preview of one of the songs featured on 4Minute's new record was played on their official page, leaving fans yearning for more.

Happy news for 4Nias!

One year after introducing the upbeat song "HUH", 4minute's ladies are back with a teaser unveiled on their official website, which announces the group's comeback.

On March 22nd, Cube Entertainment launched a countdown on 4minute's official homepage, and what fans could see was a dark background with the words "STEAL 20" written in silver grey, picking the curiosity of fans.

"STEAL 20" represents the process of growing, as the girls are heading into their 20s.

Through this album, 4minute's members will bring to their fans a whole new side of themselves. It also symbolizes a new evolution of their image, music and sound ,leading to an upgraded version of 4minute, with a more mature sound and a stronger image.

And there is more to it as a preview of one of the songs featured on 4Minute's new record was played on their official page, leaving fans yearning for more.

The track's preview starts with a countdown stopping at 4 minute.It displays hip hop influences and the members' hypnotising voices constantly repeating the words "4Minutes Left" shows off 4minute's energy and unique charms.

Starting from March 23, teaser images for their comeback will be revealed, followed by a digital release on March 29.

Source: Asiae via stoo + 4minute's official fancafe + crueltybeyondmess @Youtube
Translation + Reporting + Editing : Yoobin
Special thanks to : Uturn

Monday, March 21, 2011

[CAFE] 110321 PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF BEAST - SBS Inkigayo (MC Kikwang) @B2stGK


110321 PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF BEAST - SBS Inkigayo (MC Kikwang)

This is BEAST fanclub administrator.

Finally Kikwang became a proud MC of a public music broadcast~!

Please clap for Kikwang who did really well despite the fact that he should have been nervous because even though he showed his skills by doing a one day MC in a music broadcast for another broadcast station, this was his first time for becoming a formal MC~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm uploading few pictures to commemorate his first broadcast.

Kikwang who revealed a new official pose, throwing aside decalcomania official pose with Doojoon!

He tried on several different apparels to see which one will make him look better since it was his first broadcast. ^-^;

Eventually, Kikwang chose the first apparel he tried on!
Kikwang, who was really overjoyed by the cake the fans sent for commemorating his first broadcast, requested me to take a picture. Kekeke

This is it. T ^ T

I hope Kikwang will do his best and well as a music broadcast MC!
Thank you. ^-^


[NEWS] 110320 IU-Lee Kikwang, ‘Inkigayo’ MC Launching…Fantastic Co-operation @B2stGK


10320 IU-Lee Kikwang, ‘Inkigayo’ MC Launching…Fantastic Co-operation

The new faces of ‘Inkigayo’ IU and BEAST’s Lee Kikwang successfully carried out their first broadcasting.

IU and Lee Kikwang had their first stage at SBS ‘Inkigayo’ live on the 20th.

The two became the faces of ‘Inkigayo’ following the lead of Jokwon(2AM)- Sully(F(x)) and Jung Yonghwa(CNBLUE) who were the MCs. ‘Inkigayo’ which was always a 2~3 MCs system transformed into a large MC group with pairs of females and males from this day.

IU and Lee Kikwang showed relatively nervous faces. But as soon as they went into the live program they co-operated well like their previous MCs with their fluent speaking skills and dazzling progression.

This day the two MCs performed ‘Hawaiian Couple’ by Humming Urban Stereo as their introductory song.

Right after the program IU said “Before I used to be the MC of other music programs but live shows are really nerve wrecking” and “I completed my first program due to the help of Jokwon and Sully before it” and showed her thanks to the previous MCs.

Lee Kikwang said “I was very nervous since it’s my first MV debut. But I learned how to get comfortable with the camera due to the previous variety shows I was it and above all, I felt comfortable since I’m close friends with Jokwon” and “I tried to carry out my task while enjoying”.

Continuing, he said “Inkigayo is a program we have watched and dreamt of since we were young” and “I feel proud of myself for introducing both new and existing artists as an MC” and showed his happiness.

On the other side this day on ‘Inkigayo’, Big Bang took the 1st place Mutizen song with their fourth mini album title song ‘Tonight’. Other than that DBSK, Hweesung, K-will, MBLAQ, Ka Hee, Lee Hyun, Infinite, Kim Hyunjung, ZE:A, J-Cera, LPG, Flower, CHI CHI, M4, Girls Day, Teen Top etc. casted.


[NEWS] 110322 Yangpa releases a new album in 4 years... Wheesung & Yoon Doojoon features @BeeeestDJ


Yangpa releases a new album in 4 years... Wheesung & Yoon Doojoon features


Singer Yangpa will be releasing a new album in 4 years.

This album is also attracting focus due to the participation of popular artists. Hweesung had composed her minor pop ballad title song, ‘It Hurts’ and BEAST’s Yoon Doojoon had featured in her other song in her album, ‘Bon Appetit’.

Meanwhile, Yangpa’s new album songs will be revealed on the 25th. She will be having her comeback stage through KBS 2TV ‘Music Bank’ on April 1st.


[NEWS] 4minute poses for ELLE girl - "We got better through our overseas activities"

[11.03.21] 4minute poses for ELLE girl - "We got better through our overseas activities"

Ahead of the release of their new album, the 4minute girls are being gorgeous and innocent spring girls for a fresh photoshoot in the April issue of ELLE girl.

In the meantime, the group has been to Japan and Southeast Asia and has been focusing on their promotion activities abroad. So this is with excitement, that the girls took part in the shooting of the pictorial before the start of their domestic promotions in a long time.

The girls are known to be overwhelming with charisma on stage, but, in this photospread, they're flaunting their feminine beauty more than anything else. They wore beige-toned clothes and paraded their hidden innocent feminine beauty to their heart's content.

In the interview released along with the photoshoot, 4minute expressed their satisfaction "It was amazing to see our fans cheer us along to our music and we were really moved".

In particular, Jeon Jiyoon expressed her ambitious determination. She stated "Through our overseas promotions, we gained stage experience, time management skills and much more" and then asserted "We want to see another 4minute syndrome".

In addition, the youngest member Kwon Sohyun and the leader Nam Jihyun showed greed. They respectively said "We want to show our Korean fans an amazing image of the 5 members that we couldn't fully show before and, this, all by ourselves" and "In the future, I hope that the 5 members will be 'artists' that are not embarrassed to be called so"

Source : dailian via NATE
Translating & editing : Meeli

Sunday, March 20, 2011

[NEWS] 110320 BEAST, 'Gwanghamoon Sonata' fighting!


BEAST, 'Gwanghamoon Sonata' fighting!

On the night of the 20th, BEAST members Son Dongwoon, Jang Hyunseung, and Yong Junhyung are posing in front of the 'Gwanghamoon Sonata' VIP special viewing at Seoul Junggu Sejong Cultural Center.

Made up of 30 songs that the deceased Lee Younghoon had composed, the musical 'Gwanghamoon Sonata' is about the pain and farewell of love, and the portrayal of the people who suffer from the yearning and compassion of their lover. The performance will be shown from March 20th to April 10th.


[NEWS] 110318 Despite hitting jackpot with 2nd place in Japan Oricon charts jackpot, why are there only sighs?


Despite hitting jackpot with 2nd place in Japan Oricon charts jackpot, why are there only sighs?

Even though BEAST has come in 2nd as the debut single on the Oricon daily chart they are sighing with worries.

According to the Japan Oricon style, the debut single ‘Shock’ BEAST has presented this day sold a total of 10,902 copies of their album and got ranked 2nd place.

The record of 10 thousand copies BEAST has sold is similar to the first single sales of Kara and SNSD who are currently on a jackpot procession. Given that Japan is at a chaotic situation due to the earthquake and the nuclear danger, it is a huge accomplishment. It is an example that shows us that there is a chance BEAST will be the strongest male idol in the k-pop wave continuing the girl group solo system.

But to BEAST, this result isn’t just pleasing. This is due to the quake nightmare and nuclear danger currently in Japan that they’re worrying about.

One official said “It’s not a situation that we should only be happy” and “Even the agency members have more worries about the Japanese fans”.

BEAST was originally supposed to go to Japan in mid-March and promote but actually have cancelled this due to the quake aftermath.