Friday, March 30, 2012

[NEWS] Hyunah reveals her lion hairstyle

4minute's Hyunah has revealed her new hairstyle through Twitter, along with the caption: "I'm really enjoying the nice and warm weather. Does my new hairstyle look alright?"

Along with Hyunah's sun-kissed face, fans noticed her new hairstyle. The fiery color and split fringe of her curly hair enhance her sexiness to the next level.

Netizens responded to Hyunah's selcas with comments such as: "Really so pretty", "Your hair color really suits you, daebak!", and "Your skin is too good...", and more.

In addition, fans are currently anticipating 4minute's mid-April comeback.

4nias, what do you think of Hyunah's new lioness hairstyle?

Source: kpopn

Translating + Editing + Reporting: applemango @


I am the BEAST's fan club administrator.

BEAST who successfully completed 6 shows in Japan !

Even though they were physically and emotionally tired from the continuous shows that took place
You guys can look at the pictures of BEAST in the waiting room trying to make an effort to always have fun
And give BEAST a lot of encouragement saying Fighting! for the rest of the performances they have left~ ㅠ_ㅠ

Maybe he fell into the 'The Moon Embraces the Sun' drama fad later, but Dongwoon-goon was reading.
The look of Son Dong'hweon' who we can't forget even if we try to! He is really good looking. ㅠ_ㅠ

Yoseob-goon playing a car racing game on his PC tablet!

Hyunseung-goon doing a serious interview on how he was feeling before the performance.

Even Kikwang-goon's picture of him drinking water has a healing effect on the eyes, demanding a water CF for Kikwang-goon right now!

The toy that Doojoon was playing with broke and Yoseob and Junhyung are fixing it for him.
(The part that was stuck together by the bond broke off so they are trying to use the hair dryer to melt the bond and stick it back together again?)

Doojoon : Is it done yet? Fix it faster! / Yoseob : Hold on kekekeke It will be done soon!

Thanks to Yoseob and Junhyung fixing the toy efficiently
Doojoon was able to play with his toy joyfully again…kekekekekekekekekekeke

Thank you.



I am the BEAST's fan club administrator.

Always curing the tired minds of B2UTYs
Healing healing Kikwang’s birthday has returned!
Due to the concert in Taiwan today on his birthday!
I think Kikwang feel regret
Not being able to spend time with domestic B2UTYs.ㅠ_ㅠ
For his birthday I am uploading some unseen photos of Kikwang
To help soothe your regretful hearts.
Please celebrate Kikwang’s 23rd birthday a lot♡

Then the pictures will go out now! START !!!!!!

CREDITS: playb2st (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

[CAFE] Kikwang's Post - World's Greatest B2UTY.. @B2stGK

Today is my birthday.
All of the celebratory messages and loving hearts, I’ve received them all very very very well.
I saw all the letters and presents everyone sent me
I’ve also seen all the pictures and videos you made me.

I’m so so touched^^..

To all the people who cherish me and love me
Thank you so much..^^..

I don’t even know how to express this but..
Thank you are the only words that come out…

Thank you so much for taking care of me even though there are so many things I lack

Really today I am so happy
I receive love from this many people..
So many people think of me a lot ….
It’s a day where I can feel this again..

This large amount of love from so many people
I don’t even know if I can receive all of this yet.

This is what I felt receive so much love today so
I have been thinking that in return
I will work even harder starting tomorrow

I will smile more and more and think about everyone
I will work harder and harder to do more activities

Really thank you so so so so so much for
Sending me so much love.

This big love, big gift, big heart

I will become a Kikwang who works harder in return ^ ^
I thank everyone once again for sincerely
Celebrating my birthday

Our B2UTY… . .
World’s best B2UTY … . .
I am so happy because of our B2UTY^ ^

I feel like I’m flying in the sky ^—————^hehehe

I am so so happy today
Because of you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think I’m going crazy…because I’m so happy…..

You know my heart right..?

Everyone….seriously..because of everyone
Because of the world’s best B2UTYs
It feels like I’ve become the world’s best too
Today at this moment..^-^

Thank you so so much

Seriously you guys are my everything.

I love you

Sleep well everyone ^-^


[CAFE] Yoseob's Post - Wide Wide Wi~~~~de World @helloimys

A kid in his 10s who used to set the Seoul Providence Dobonggoo straight
Left in his 20s to set the world straight but..
Really.. It wasn't an easy thing to do.
Well.. of course he knew from the start that it wasn't going to be an easy task anyways..ha

As the shows went on from the the second, I felt that my mind was holding me up rather than my physical self but..
I was happier than anyone else.
Six shows in a course of 7 days in Japan..Yokohama..Gobe..Nagoya..
At first I thought it was going to be hard.. But I learned a lot from it.
How to talk less by myself. How to take care of my voice. The preciousness of a break.. Things like that..
Ah.. and also that ramen is really good..ha

It isn't easy to receive a gift such as experience..
But all the experiences.. memories that can't be traded.. I am overwhelmed by happiness that I was able to make it them.
Well.. even though I do have go to the throat doctor as soon as I wake up today.. keke

Maybe it's because I was a good kid for about 8 days but. (T/N: Meaning that he slept and woke up early)
I'm already sleepy! haha

You guys have no idea how great it feels to have Korean b2uties to come back to and complain to whenever I come back from a show far away,
Because I have you guys I am able to endure it.
Thank you..

At time you guys might be bitter..or sad..
But thank you for continuously being a strength.

Just thank you so much, really.
We will become the confident six people who you guys can proudly say
"They are our artists!" whenever we come out.

Just keep watching us with the proud mother's smile
We will do well.

Hwaiting! Bye!


[NEWS] 4minute to work with Shinsadong Tiger for April Comeback

Girl group 4minute and hit composer Shinsadong Tiger will join hands for their April comeback.

All the while showing performances with unique charisma, 4minute is expected to leave a strong impression with changes in music and stages this time around.

Their comeback, which was originally planned for January was held back for this reason.

4minute and music industry hit maker Shinsadong Tiger are working together again. 'Hot Issue', 'Muzik', 'Mirror Mirror', and 'Heart to Heart', Shinsadong Tiger, the creator of most of 4minute's hit songs, will work together once again.

On the 28th, 4minute's party told Star News "We've been working together with Shinsadong for a while now, we will again join hands but this time it will be to show a different color," they continued, "The members are preparing music and performances of a different feeling which they have never attempted. 4minute plans to show their charm through new, challenging experimental music."

They also stated, "The new record is slatted for release in mid-April. Starting next month, they will be promoting actively."

With every announced album, 4minute is always attracting attention for their unique music style and daring choreography.

4minute, who takes the spot as the performance girl group, are receiving a lot of love in foreign countries for their unique competitive stages.

Source: Star News
Translating + Editing + Reporting:
Thanks to kaori. for the tip.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[CAFE] Doojoon's Post -Ay Yo @Beeestdj

Is everyone doing well????
We are doing well.

I just came back to the hotel and as soon as I finished washing up…I came to check the fancafe it’s been so long……………ㅜㅜ

Even without BEAST the fancafe runs well. Of course…hng


Now there is one more concert left in Japan

It seems so hard…no it is really hard…..ㅜㅜ

While doing 5 concerts in a row…I had a myriad of thoughts. A lot of things happened..

My voice which was fine even after shouting for 2 days during the Seoul concerts is slowly dying

My knee that I thought would be fine is starting to hurt a lot….ㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠ

Being so tired, during Yoseob and Junhyung Thanks To performance, backstage, Dongwoon and I.. being really tired we started grumbling.

But then manager hyung said this is from Mister Sushi King…… he said this to us…

To a chef it is 100 pieces of sushi but to the customer it is just one piece of sushi….ㅠㅠ

And Dongwoon and I, being avid readers of Mister Sushi King, we held our hearts once again…….ㅋㅋ

When we hold concerts so many times to the point we can memorize faces, there are many fans that come personally to cheer for us.

Those people can say ah today… they’re not in the best condition… and understand however

The people who only see us once, what they see is all of BEAST’s image!!

And I thought about this again. Did I really give my all each time I danced and sang on stage…have I once half-assed a performance…

…… because I am human…I have not always done my best…I reflect upon myself.

And I will promise this.. because BEAST will perform a lot more than we already have

I will always give my all!!!!!!!!!!

Right now these times… it is probably my shining moment in my life.. and it is going to pass by most quickly..

After…even when I become a grandpa I will remember these times clearly and my children.. grandchildren… I will boast about these times continuously..

Thinking about that.. I thought I should live zealously

It’s already our 3rd year since we’ve debuted…. After BEAST, Apink.. BTOB was born….

When I watch a music program I have started to see more hoobaes than sunbaes

Time goes by this fast… I am already 24 years old… my body which used to be so active in high school … is starting to get tired….ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

However.. while becoming older year by year… I have started to feel that each day is so precious… being able to sing in front of so many people…

The fact that there is people who envy me dream to do what I do, and work hard to achieve that goal.. that I am living my one and only life doing something special..

Thank you so much and I am happy..

Lately BEAST is, in our own KakaoTalk chatting room, talking about how we should always be thankful..

Thank you so very much… even though you guys know….. all the words I want to say, our Yong-palee wrote in detail in the song Thank To… hee hee

Sorry for rambling at dawn….

I feel this every time but.. after writing like this on the fancafe I feel so much better….. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Goodnight and… Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Youuu… Bbyong~~~~~^^



Monday, March 26, 2012

[NEWS] Gayoon: "The first time I've cried in a TV station"

In a recent interview with Vogue Girl, Gayoon opens up about her broadcast incident on Inkigayo during her performance with Mario.

Gayoon says, "Many unexpected accidents have happened, just recently I had one myself. I was scheduled for a broadcast just two days after Music Bank in Paris, but I only received the lyrics and music a day before the performance. I didn't have sufficient practice. The day of the accident was the first time I've cried in a TV station since my debut 3 years ago. As 4minute's main vocal, I was worried that people would misjudge our group's singing skills because of me."

Source: 4minute's Baidu

Korean to Chinese Translation: 44444minutegirls @ Weibo
Chinese to English Translation + Editing + Reporting: applemango @