110521 PLAYB2ST'S DAILY OF B2ST - MBC Show! Music Core

This is the administrator of BEAST's fanclub.
After M!Countdown and Music Bank, today was the comeback stage on Music Core!
Not only Fiction but The Fact too! They showed such an awesome performance~
This awesome performance, due to it being a private recording, fans were not able to participate
And so the members feel regret because of this ㅠ_ㅠ
Instead!! There is not only going to be Inkigayo's pre-recording tomorrow but
After Inkigayo, a small fan meeting will be held so
Lots and lots of you fans have to come~ ^-^
I'll leave after showing you a bit of behind the scenes!
See you all tomorrow~
Manager 1, Yoseob, and Hyunseung playing the Halli Galli game.
Doojoon getting his hair dried.
Junhyung looking at the far mountains(?) while listening to music.
Dongwoon working hard signing all the albums to give to
sunbae, colleague, and hoobae singers.
Kikwang who is monitoring their performance of The Fact.
Hyunseung getting ready to eat the food that fan support sent them for their comeback.
He can do it well on his own~ Yoseob trying to dry his hair on his own.
The two pictures below were taken by one of the BEAST members
Who likes(?) to take pictures regularly!
Who is the member who took these great pictures...curious right? Kekeke
The answer is! It's Doojoon. Because the camera was in Doojoon's hands ^-^;
The picture of Doojoon taking the picture is regrettably from a camera phone ㅠ_ㅠ
Thank you.
CREDITS: playb2st (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)