Girl group 4minute's member Kwon Sohyun proved as a 'natural beauty'.
Kwon Sohyun uploaded a photo on 27th July on her Twitter with a caption, "Haha this is when I'm young. I'm looking at the photo after a long time, it's fresh."
We can see her image when she was an elementary school student with starry eyes in two braids. If we compare the photo with her current look, we can see that there's no change. She showed off her 'natural beauty' look confidently.
Netizens showed their responses, "It's really cute" "Wow it's the same" "Your pose is also cute~".
Meanwhile, Kwon Sohyun debuted with a group called "Orange" before 4minute.
"Orange" debuted in 2005 with 3 elementary school students as their members. They did various activities as children.
Source: Nate
Translating & editing: dianapetrina@4-minute.com
Thanks to kaori. for the tip