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2012 June, 29th

While waiting for BEAST's comeback~
The London Olympics are starting soon.
They say that the Olympics are the festival of the Earth.
People naturally like festivals and parties.
Actually, that person might be the festival or the party.
I mean, then why would they call humans homo festibus (Partying People)?
Since homo festibus was mentioned~
The man that most people want to be, the perfect man is called 'Total Man'.
What is a Total Man?
That is when homo sapience (knowledge), homo faber (working abilities, talents), and homo festibus (party, festivals, fun) is played out equally and enough on a human.
So what we are sayign is that a person with enough knowledge, talents, and fun is the most beautiful man.
As much as B2UTIES cheer on BEAST, I think BEAST should set their goals higher, and work to make their dreams come true. I only think that because I want them to work on being a Total Man, because then people would love them more.
Anyhow, I hope that everyone can become Total Men!
Whoops, that took longer than I expected it to.
Anyways, there are articles about BEAST's comeback.
Since it has been a year, there has been many rumors about BEAST's comeback.
People complain, "It's been a year since their comeback and they're coming back with a mini album?"
Some people worry, "Why does their comeback have to be around the Olympics, the festivals of the Earth?"
Some people worry about them coming back next to greater superstars than BEAST.
But I'm not worrying too much about it.
I mean, it might not work out, but I see positives from it.
In a human's festival, don't they need music?
Also, it's not like you can get away from those big, better, stronger people forever. That's just how life is.
I think that even if it's a mini album, if the album shows how hard they worked on it for a year, and it sounds amazing, that'll make me even happier than if they let out a full album with just plain songs.
I also think that it's not a bad idea for them to change their concepts all the way.
What about different colors of style from the new trends?
Like hiphop, trot, traditional Korean music--
Are my imaginations scaring you?
Don't bash though, because we are all free to imagine^^
Anyways, I have lots of interest and anticipation for BEAST's comeback after a year.
Can B2UTIES countdown for BEAST's comeback with me?
10~9~8~7~~ (Heart starts to beat faster) ~~~3~(Heart attack)~~2(SHOCK!)~! BANG~~~ ^^
p.s. Dongwoon's friend/little sister Yuri gave birth. She gave birth to one female puppy and one male puppy~~~ Unfortunately, one died. ;_____; Yuri's weight is probably 2~3 kg. Her giving birth, that would be so hard for her. I felt so proud of her when she went through all that, still being healthy~~~ If you are wondering about Yuri and her puppies, go to Daum Cafe, . If you search Son Dongwoon, it'll probably pop up. For B2UTIES and other fans waiting for BEAST's comeback! While waiting for BEAST's comeback, you could go see Yuri and her puppies to shake off your boredom ^^
CREDITS : Son Ilrak's Cyworld (SOURCE), crazybunny123@B2STRISING.COM (TRANS)