110808 BEAST's interviews in "There'll Be No Spotlight If You Stop Now"

Q1: What did you do when Director Hong Seung Seong pointed out your weaknesses?A: Director Hong didn’t like my presence. Although I am still young now, back then I was younger and I didn’t understand a lot of things. Each monthly evaluation, I wanted better results so I practiced harder. It really depressed me because I knew that Director Hong had an negative image towards me and I didn’t want him to underestimate my abilities. Honestly, I didn’t know how Director Hong told me my weaknesses, but because he saw all my weaknesses, I practiced even more.
Q2: What did you think when you were temporarily “free” of Cube?A: Since my trainee days, I thought of Shinsadong Tiger not just as a composer but as a brother. Tiger hyung also had a difficult time training as a singer. Because of that, he tried to understand my complains and loneliness. Nevertheless, I’d seen failure. So, in the end if I couldn’t hold on to Cube, I might had to give up my dream of being a singer. This matter was very important to me and I thought about “stopping right here right now” a lot. But instead of giving up, I practiced alone and sincerely asked Director Hong for another chance.
Q3: When you felt lonely, what did you do?A: I went to another practice room, or I practiced at home. One day, I called Director Hong. I kept believing and practicing, and then a sudden wave hit me. Director Hong asked me to come back and gave me a exactly a month. In that time, I tried to practice more seriously and earnestly. When there was an unsatisfying part, he wouldn’t let me come back or just end up calling the other members to fill in. Since then, I really practiced hard. But then you might wonder why I choose this path spending a lot of time while still remaining invisible? Back then I regretted it a lot and felt bitter. Yet, practicing with the other members allowed me to pull through those difficult times.
Q4: What did you feel when Director Hong texted you to practice more and leave the management?A: I received the text when I got home. That day, I drank a lot. When one of the trainees would be eliminated and every hyungs from the management team gathered together. So I was comfortable and had a good relationship with people from the office. I felt that it wasn’t fair when he had eliminated me. So I called Director Hong for the last time and it seemed that he was moved.
Q5: You had vocal training, but why do you think when you were positioned as a rapper of Beast?A: I have always been interested in rapping. In my previous company I couldn’t sing or rap. But in Cube, I tried challenging my interest. Fortunately, many people helped and supported me. In the company, I am a shy person so I couldn't simply say, “I want to rap”. But Tiger hyung talked to the company for me. I really wanted to rap and compose. Back then. I thought that it would great if I could do that. I then told my wishes to Director Hong. Since then, I had that position. If there was anything I could do, it would be to tell people that I believe I can be a Beast member.
Q6: What is your goal in music?A: I want to be a producer. I want to be like the Director, making team and choosing members. I don’t have the confidence to be a producer yet, but I have to try producing, making music and planning a full album. While preparing Beast album, I felt satisfied with myself, even though it wasn’t on my own. Many great people participated in producing Beast album. But one day I want to make it 100% my way. That’s why, I have to make music with that expresses my true color.
Q7: Making Yong Junhyung’s music, when do you think you can materialize that dream?A: My tight schedule disable me to arrange music together with the hyungs. So, I have to do the arrangement between my schedules. Lately, I barely have time for myself. So, my work comes out slower than I plan it to be.
Q8: “I have to actively change myself”, as a Beast member, what do you think is still lacking?A : Other members have overcome my weaknesses talent wise so I don’t have to worry about that. I still have other weakness I have to fix, one of them is my pessimism. Also, suppressing feelings is not good too. When the feeling around me is peaceful, then I try to hide my anger. But I’ve been together with others for so long that they know me very well. I believe that I am the Yong Junhyung who still have to do everything sincerely and earnestly.
Q9: What do you like about Cube?A: There are so many bad memories from the previous company. I wanted to immediately stand on the stage, but I was very busy. Every day, I had to see my lawyers and went to the courts to settle things. Despite the bad condition in the previous company, I was surprised to see myself believing in people from Cube. I want to say “Ah, there’s actually good people like this”. Now, I have a stabile and comfortable life. I am really satisfied. Later, I want to keep being comfortable with these staffs.

Q1 : When you were first in Cube, you suffered through a lot. But after spending time there, you eventually understood. How did you survive in Cube?
A: It isn’t easy to become a singer. I decided to join Cube and I overcame a lot of difficulties before I reached the status I am in now. I knew my weaknesses. Director Hong knew them too. I used to get scolded for wearing a knee-long training pants (bad style). Director Hong tried to control me as much as he could. He really wanted me to have the quality of a star. But at that time, I think he was upset and disappointed most of the time. Now, when I think about it, it seems that I was too busy and focused in building up my skills passionately and that was very important to me. That’s why I think I have to pressure myself with that repeatedly even now.
Q2: Have you ever quitted in the middle of training?
A: Before I even thought about quitting, I tried to do everything well. I can look like a model student, but not can match up to the work hard and seriousness. When Director Hong dismissed me, I heard that the developing team told a lot about me to Director Hong. Then, I was brought back to Cube and I promised to work hard to show my improved qualities to Director Hong. Eventually, Director’s attitude towards me gradually changed until he eventually put his faith on me.
Q3: Did you have a mentor giving you the strength to hold on those difficult times?
A: The only people I knew were Beast members. So when I was having hard times, I would go to them and say “Ah, it’s too difficult for me” and they only really understood what I was feeling. We believe in each other and I can share everything and anything wih the other members. We cheer on one another and talk about own feelings.
Q4: It seems that you dealt you failure and frustration very well. What advice will you give to those who have to go through the same process?
A: I was desperate, but I naturally went through that process and got into this position eventually. I think I have strengthened my foundation to hold on for such a long time. I was trained for approximately six years. I envied my friends who got their positions early. But now when I’m introspecting myself, I think I can say that learn a lot from those times. Now I can overcome the difficult times after debut too.
Q5: In the first studio album, I think your vocal has improved a lot. How did you change it? Did you find it a challenge?
A: Yes, I did. Before doing the album, I had a role in a musical. All the directors and musical seniors saw my singing. They gave me a lot of advice on how to sing sincerely and amazingly. I acted while expressing the song I sang to and so I learned a lot. Singing and acting in a musical was very interesting and I want to keep doing it.
Q6: I heard that Yoseob’s dream is to become a world star. What do you prepare to do it?
A: Looking at myself now, I guess I thought that it was an easy thing. But lately, I did a lot of activities abroad and I found that the path to become a world star is really difficult. I’m not too sure about it, but I think I can do it. That dream is still very blur to me. Despite the difficulty, if I do the best with my position right now, won’t the fans abroad eventually recognize me too?
Q7: It seems like you are the most popular among younger fans. What’s your secret?
A: Since debut, compared the other members, I am the one with the most aegyo (cuteness). Fans think I'm cute and they say I look like a manga character. Younger friends also like my aegyo. To be honest, I’m grateful to whatever you like about me.
Q8: I heard your character is like a mother's.
A: Before asking help from others, I will do something for them first. People say that it’s a good intention, but in the past, honestly, I wouldn’t be able to do it.
Q9: What can you learn from being an idol?
A: That we have to keep our image as a singer and an entertainer. We have to do the best, but I am always conflicted between singing practice and dancing practice. But even now, I still ask help from other staffs including the manager hyungs. To become a good model for others, shouldn’t I have more time?
Q10: What is Beast Yoseob’s dream?
A: I want to do a world tour concert. I want to collaborate with other senior musicians whom I respect, like Wheesung, Rain, and international singers like Justin Timberlake.

Yoon Doojoon: "DON'T GIVE UP EASILY"
Q1: How did you feel when you were eliminated from the show “Hot Blood”?A: Being in JYP for less than three months, I had appeared in the show. So, if I had won and debut immediately after that, I would have felt guilty to my friends. I tried best, but still, failing hurt me very much. Of course I knew only how far my abilities could go so I could have accepted it easier and withdrew myself from it. But then later on it got harder. So eventually I went to practice with my peers, Junho and Chansung, who were going to debut as 2PM members. Since they were already training and getting ready, Lee Gikwang and I dealt with a lot of hard times going through the life as ordinary trainees.
Q2: It seems that you even had the urge to just quit everything.A: There were many times when I wanted to quit. However I firmly decided continuing to be a trainee and I felt it was the time to look for someone. I practiced with the purpose of finding Teacher Cheyook. But then, I suddenly stopped the preparation to be a singer. My practice wasn’t going well too. I suffered a lot so I wanted to go back to the student life again. I questioned myself, "If I keep practicing earnestly, can I, like my friends, prepare for my dreams gradually?" I regretted a lot asking myself that question. However, I continued to receive encouragements from my teachers and friends from school when preparing to be a singer. That’s why when I was eliminated from “Hot Blood”, I didn’t let my pride down like I had before. Even though I went away, I still wanted to come back with a slightly more decent performance. Making a dream come true or not is not the issue for me. I just want to show my stronger side of myself to people who have supported me.
Q3: Before debuting, what did you think when you were doing activities as AJ’s backup dancer?A: As of January 2009, before deciding 4Minute members, there were Junhyung, Kikwang, Yoseob and I in Cube. We were supposed to debut with four members at that time. But one day, I heard from the company that I would be Kikwang’s backup dancer. So Kikwang debuted alone, and we danced behind him. This situation made us so confused. I was so busy that I couldn’t even go home. I slept at a dancer hyung’s house, or sometimes even at the saunas. That was the most miserable moment in my life. When I think about it now, I can smile remembering those times because I have made many beautiful memories with the other members. Although it was so difficult that I wanted to quit, I was in the same position as the other members. It became a motivation for me because we had to fight together and hold on together. Yoseob said one time that there’s no one else with as much as determination and willingness as we had. Our parent gave us encouragement and strength, but they didn’t know our feelings and the condition we were in so they couldn’t encourage us that much. Yoseob, Kikwang, and Junhyung, really had a lot of strength.
Q4: Didn’t your failure give you the opportunity to rise up to your desired position?A: Trainee life wasn’t only for two years. My friends who had been practicing for longer time had gone through their own tests then too. Despite my brief training period, I could passed through all those tests. When I think about it now, I can still learn and feel a lot of things from that brief period. I feel very grateful for it.
Q5: Since being in JYP, Director Hong Seung Seong has believed in Yoon Doojoon, then how about yourself?A: Director had thought about making me a 2AM member because he believed in me. I’m very grateful to him. I also left out JYP when Director also established Cube. Since there’s no reason to reject him, I quickly held on to Director’s hand. I was sure that I wasn't wasting my time because it was a very thought out decision.
Q6: There sure would be arguments in the group. I’m curious, as a leader, how do you handle that kind of situation?A: All singers can’t do whatever they want. The company put in a lot of consideration for us and Director also likes to communicate with the youngsters. However, each of us has our own preference and discontentment. There’s music we want to do and there’s a musical difference in what we find suitable to our own personality. Our first album reflects our ideas. Our preparation time was short so Director was worried about it. He encouraged us to fill our album more colorfully.
Q7: After debuting, what do you think is the most exhausting?A: The tight schedule is the most tiresome to me. I want to meet my friends and rest, but we don’t have personal time at all. This is the path I’ve chosen so of course I can’t have free time. Our body and heart are tired. We do a lot of activities including acting so some of us absolutely have no personal time.
Q8: Are you contented with your life now?A: Actually I’m happy but I’m also suffering. Looking forward, Beast activities now help us to develop a lot for the future. I’m also happy that we can move forward, step by step. But, seeing my days far away, I really feel tired. But in the end, I want to sincerely thank my dream for making me how I am like now.
Q9: Is acting interesting?A: Acting is really interesting. I can live different lives through it. As a singer, I think it really helps me to express my music. Having the foundation to act in the future is exhilarating. But as a singer, I think I still have a lot of weaknesses. That’s why I want to work harder, although I don’t even have the time to act. I know that I should focus on “Beast's Yoon Doojoon,” but I don’t know. It’s very difficult not being able to control my own wish.
Q10 : In the future, do you want to act again?A: I want to be remembered as Beast as long as I could. But if the time comes, I have to prepare for my own future. Thus, I want to act. That’s an interesting work. But right now I want to learn more and work harder as Beast.
Q11: I want to know your plans on music.A: I want to develop my skills. I want to make a more completed Beast album. In the first album, I participated not as much as I wanted to. If I have had the time, I could have practiced the choreography more, and could have enhanced my vocal. But I had little time to do all that. It’s really a pity. I hope in the next album I can do all that.
Q12: What makes you want to thank Director Hong Seung Seong?A: I want to thank him for making me a member of Beast until now. It wasn’t easy for him to make this decision. I also want to thank him for believing and trusting us. He will be listening to the stories of the six of us from the interview. So, I am thankful to him for encouraging us and making us another album.
Q13: What do you want to tell to those who dream to be singers?A: Although skill is important, luck is also important. Compared with the others, I’m the luckiest. Trying out an open audition for the first time, I feel that I’m very lucky for passing that huge competition. I didn’t know anything at that time. I wasn’t even nervous and I did it without feeling burdened. In addition, seeing the other members, no one in the group gives up easily. Of course they gave up before, but they recovered fast to reach their dreams. To other junior singers, if you don’t give up and work hard to the end, then you will eventually get the position you want. Be satisfied with yourself and moreover, always hope for success. Right now there might be a lot of suffering, but later you will get the compensation from your sacrifices.

Q1: You had your failure to displayed to the public before. Did anything happen after?A: Yes, I learned a lot from failure. Even though I know that never failing is even better. Lately, seeing the trainees preparing to be singers, I know that I have changed. I can see amazing talents drawn across the faces of the young trainees.
Q2: You are also talented, why can’t you accept that?A: I’m not born with talent. What I have isn’t a talent too. Because I’m not born with talent, to improve singing and dancing skills, there’s no choice but to win by practicing.
Q3: I heard that from eating to being in the waiting room, you listen to music.A: To me, there’s no way other than working hard. This is all for my skills. I have to take all the chance I get.
Q4: Director Hong Seung Seong thinks that the first challenge was to open up your heart.
A: When coming to Cube, I tried to open my heart as determined who I was there. Because a lot of staffs including Director helped, I could adapt little by little.
Q5: Director Hong Seung Seong sees that you are the member with the most aegyo. This is really surprising.A: Actually, I don’t do aegyo. In contrast, it is my plainness. Maybe I have something different from the other members, but Director sees it as aegyo.
Q6: In the future, what field do you want to try?A: Not that I think of other kinds of activities or art negatively, but right now, I don’t think any of them suit me. Though I always want to try acting, I want to stabilize my position as a singer first. I haven’t prepared much so I hope my popularity will stay for a long time.
Q7: If you are doing individual activities, beside acting, what do you want to develop other than dancing?A: Despite liking dancing, I don’t have the ability to make choreography. As a singer-dancer, to make a perfect stage act, and for that I have to learn dancing seriously. Being interested in dancing doesn’t mean I’m a dancer. As a singer, I still have to dance. I want to dance with exquisite music to show a cool stage act. Thus, I have to work harder.
Q8: With Beast performance right now, are you satisfied with your performance, Jang Hyunseung?A: Honestly, I am not. People like Beast’s music and we’ve worked hard for that. Although I’m proud, my own ambition doesn’t end here. Other members also have their preference but I like African-American music. I search for musician videos from that genre because I want to try that kind of music. If I have the chance, I want to make an African-American music album. I have to!
Q9: You don’t want to participate more in the album?A: Up until now, I think I’m not capable to participate in my album yet. I consider investing my time in showing the best performance on the stage. I also listen to advices from senior singers. I used to think that I have to spend more time in dancing and singing. In order to be an idol really loved by people for a long time, I know I want to be a songwriter and make music. With that music, I have to develop into an artist showing a more of a natural music.
Q10: So, in order to participate more, you will work little by little?A: I think I have to read more. That’s why I bought some essay books recently. I bought it to help writing song lyrics. I heard that experiencing a lot or things and reading books can improve my musical ability naturally.
Q11: It seems like your style is always your motivation to not quickly feel satisfied with yourself?A: I’m not always like that. I understand very well how to console myself. I can also find the strength when I need to praise myself. When practicing, I check over before finishing my shot, and monitor all my broadcast. If I think it is good, then I will praise myself. Moreover, I try to introspect myself and accept my weakness to make it cooler.
Q12: What do you expect from Director Hong Seung Seong?A: It would be nice if in the future he can give me more guidance so that I can improve more in music.
CREDITS: There'll Be No Spotlight If You Stop Now (SOURCE); LadyPsyche & YONGISM @ B2STRISING (TRANS)