The popularity of KPOP in Europe has been rising.
Last month, Girl's Generation·Dong Bang Shin Ki·Super Junior, etc. SMTown held the first ever exclusive concert in Paris, France. Following this, 4Minute·BEAST·G.Na, Cube Entertainment (Cube for short) will hold the "UNITED CUBE CONCERT" in London, England this November. If SM chose Europe's culture centre Paris as the first base, Cube is targeting London, England, the home of pop. This is will be the first ever paid exclusive concert in England for Korean singers.
The United Cube Concert organizers CABA Entertainment states "Requested by promoters in England, we are currently consulting with them. We are aiming for November 11th" and "We are coordinating details with the venue managers". Also "After SM's concert in Paris, Europe concert vendors are looking at K-POP with high interest. It was a meaningful event that showed Korean singers' ticket power" and "We find great meaning in holding the first K-POP concert in the home of Pop, England".
From Cube's side "We are not only preparing a concert in England, but also a concert in Brazil. We can finally feel that the Korean wave market has surpassed Asia and is reaching Europe and South America as well." they said.