[11.02.05] BEAST's Yoseop to Jihyun "You look better with make-up"

During the recording of the Lunar New Year special episode of Bouquet, it was revealed that 4minute's Jihyun recently gained great interest from netizens as "a natural beauty terminator". BEAST's Yoseob then surprised everyone by stating otherwise telling her that she actually looked better with make-up.
Hereupon, Jihyun was seen flustered and seemed not able to admit it. In the end, her fellow group member, Hyunah, asserted that Jihyun's bare face was indeed prettier, thus she vanished suspicions that Jihyun was not a true natural beauty.
On the same episode, 4minute showcased their skills in 5 different languages by introducing themselves in English, Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Korean and earned the nickname of global idols.
The episode will air this February 5th, at 9:10AM KST on MBC.
Source : TVIan (1 & 2)
Translating & editing : Meeli@4-minute.com
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