Kim HyunAh, with her group, 4Minute, performed at Konkuk University (Seoul) last April 11, 2011. Unfortunately, while performing on stage, Kim HyunAh got injured on her hand due to one of the mirrors used as a part of her outfit's decorations.
However, HyunAh immediately received first aid right after their performance and their agency officials told the fans not to worry for it was just a small cut.
Cube Entertainment's officials explained, "HyunAh indeed got hurt on her hand on their performance yesterday. Though the injury isn't really serious, we'll do our best not to let this thing happen again in the future."
Source: K-pop love
Reporting + Translating + Editing: ashleylovesasia@4-minute.com
Special Thanks to cmrs14 for the tip
You can see from this fancam, starting @ 1:48, the very moment that she got the cut.
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