4minute: "We hope the fans can feel our positive energy"
Korean pop group came to Brazil in 2011. In the following interview, they talk about fashion, personality and their influences.
4minute came to Brazil in 2011 with United Cube Concert.
iG: Which bands or artists inspire you?
4minute: There are many artists who we always admired and dreamed of becoming like them. As 4minute is a group focused especially on stage performance, we always watch performances of other artists. After seeing clips of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, who show great presence on stage, we took several ideas from them.
iG: When did you note the success of the group?
4minute: We still have a long way to go, but we are aware that there are many people who support us. We have fans in many places in Asia and a new love for Brazil, UK and USA recently emerged. Fame will follow in proportion to our efforts.
iG: You seem to have very different personalities. Do you have fun together?
4minute: We have different personalities, but also share similarities. Every day we are becoming more similar to each other, since every day we go out together. We are the same ages, so we like going out, talking, and laughing.
iG: You choose your clothes? Where is your fashion inspiration?
4minute: We try to follow current trends reading fashion magazines. Moreover, when there is a parade, and If we have time, we want to watch it. However, we believe that fashion is to find a style that suits you. Instead of following trends, it's more important to be yourself.
iG: What kind of message do you want to share with the world through music?
4minute: We have many songs encouraging self-reliance and independence. Performing in different countries, we realize that music brings people together, so we want everyone to be friends no matter where you come from. We hope the fans can feel our positive energy.
Source: iG
Translations (Portuguese > English): RebeccaB@4-minute.com
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