Finding out more about BEAST (3) : They are 'Complicated Idols'.
BEAST is made up of members with strong personalities and indivisualities, also called 'Jjamppong Idols'.
(t/n: Jjamppoing is a Chinese-Korean cusine made up of many different ingridients)
Other than their faces, by their body and its proportions you can tell how different and how much indivisualities the members have.
When people talk about idol groups, they think of members with similar faces, weight, height.
It is well known that in CUBE entertainment, to get rid of similar trainees, they hold a mandatory showcase.
During the showcase, they see the possiblities of the trainees and their talent.
Imagine the groups that are popular in Japan.
The members' faces look similar (handsome) and they are usually taller than 180 cm.
But what about BEAST?
Heights are very different and their each of their faces are unique in their own ways.
Is that it?
There isn't a group with different tones of voices and styles like BEAST. From this fact, I don't mind calling them the 'This Way and That idols'.
BEAST is also originated from very different places.
Members of BEAST are from Kyungsangdo, Junrado, Choongchungdo, Kyungkido, and etc., making them the group with many different origins.
Also, last names of the members of BEAST do not repeat. Yoon-Jang-Lee-Yang-Yong-Son, more tha 6 last names are in BEAST.
Not only that, the CEO of their entertainment's last name is Holng, Vice President is Park, and Advertisement Head is Choi.
Does that mean the CEO of their entertainment did this on purpose from the beginning of their casting?
Height, facial features, their hometown, last names, etc.
Probably not.
It was probably a coincidence.
From this, I think that the formation of BEAST is nature's gift.
So, the school that they went to, their hometown, their last names, etc., is put together that it creates a bigger and better thing than it meant to.
I know this changes the subject, but I have a very strange habit.
When I hear a song that I learned back when I was a child, or sing to it, my nose gets a sting and my chest hurts as if its been shot by a gun.
I don't know the reason why.
But I think the origin of that came from the fact that my father worked in the army and I had stress from transferring elementary schools 6 times.
If I think about those times, I remember the days in the gymnasium, being lonely.
That's right.
At the gym, there might have been someone that wanted a friend to lean on.
If I say that, there might be someone that would be frustrated and ask me to hurry up and tell them what the title of the song is.
It starts this way.
"Let's take a step together, leaning on each other"
That's right, it's
On 2011, June 9th, BEAST won three times in a row on Music Bank with 'Fiction'.
And during that day, they stood around, leaning on each others' shoulders, spinning around in a circle with an arm around each others' necks while singing their encore song.
As soon as I saw this, my heart felt heavy.
In this world, could there be something more beautiful than this?
This might be the reason why BEAST did better than what I expected.
During a radio broadcast, the DJ said this.
If you see a soccer or a baseball team that never won a game before, they all have a similarity. The members of the team doesn't look at the team's goal (winning), but they care about their own performance and how they look.
I couldn't help but agree to that.
That's right.
Leaning on one another with an arm around each others' neck was quite amazing.
I was introduced to a book, by Keith Perazi.
He said this.
"You can never go far by yourself."
Helen Keller also said this.
"Things that you can accomplish by yourself is not much"
Each of the members of BEAST are worse than weeds by themselves.
The only reason that they stood out was because they threw away their greed of looking good, and their personalities.
I must order BEAST to do this.
"Let's take a step together, leaning on each other, let's take a step forward together"
With their different personalities, hometowns, and how they grew up, there might be some times when they didn't get along well with each others.
There might have been arguments and fights.
But didn't you see that BEAST fought threw all that and finally achieved their goal, to go to the top?
I hope that BEAST continues to understand each other and listen to each other like they have been doing and finish the marathon they have been running.
But BEAST also has their bad sides, some dents too.
Don't you think that the difference in the members' tone, facial feautres, and personalities are actually cool?
Isn't it amazing how the six diverse members of BEAST go well together?
When getting along with someone that looks different from me, a person that has different ideas than me, caring and listening to each other is the main key.
BEAST is made up of 6 people that have very different characteristics.
I hope that you guys will care for each other and stay together forever.
Of course, BEAST is able to be on the top because of us, the B2UTIES.
I hope that BEAST becomes an idol that becomes a rep of Korea.
Also, I hope that they spread the knowledge of Korea all around the world.
That means that BEAST has to become the harmonydol (idol that keeps harmony amongst the people) of K-POP.
If BEAST becomes the harmonydol, they will also become the hope of many who are having tough troubles.
BEAST is made up of members with strong personalities and indivisualities, also called 'Jjamppong Idols'.
(t/n: Jjamppoing is a Chinese-Korean cusine made up of many different ingridients)
Other than their faces, by their body and its proportions you can tell how different and how much indivisualities the members have.
When people talk about idol groups, they think of members with similar faces, weight, height.
It is well known that in CUBE entertainment, to get rid of similar trainees, they hold a mandatory showcase.
During the showcase, they see the possiblities of the trainees and their talent.
Imagine the groups that are popular in Japan.
The members' faces look similar (handsome) and they are usually taller than 180 cm.
But what about BEAST?
Heights are very different and their each of their faces are unique in their own ways.
Is that it?
There isn't a group with different tones of voices and styles like BEAST. From this fact, I don't mind calling them the 'This Way and That idols'.
BEAST is also originated from very different places.
Members of BEAST are from Kyungsangdo, Junrado, Choongchungdo, Kyungkido, and etc., making them the group with many different origins.
Also, last names of the members of BEAST do not repeat. Yoon-Jang-Lee-Yang-Yong-Son, more tha 6 last names are in BEAST.
Not only that, the CEO of their entertainment's last name is Holng, Vice President is Park, and Advertisement Head is Choi.
Does that mean the CEO of their entertainment did this on purpose from the beginning of their casting?
Height, facial features, their hometown, last names, etc.
Probably not.
It was probably a coincidence.
From this, I think that the formation of BEAST is nature's gift.
So, the school that they went to, their hometown, their last names, etc., is put together that it creates a bigger and better thing than it meant to.
I know this changes the subject, but I have a very strange habit.
When I hear a song that I learned back when I was a child, or sing to it, my nose gets a sting and my chest hurts as if its been shot by a gun.
I don't know the reason why.
But I think the origin of that came from the fact that my father worked in the army and I had stress from transferring elementary schools 6 times.
If I think about those times, I remember the days in the gymnasium, being lonely.
That's right.
At the gym, there might have been someone that wanted a friend to lean on.
If I say that, there might be someone that would be frustrated and ask me to hurry up and tell them what the title of the song is.
It starts this way.
"Let's take a step together, leaning on each other"
That's right, it's
On 2011, June 9th, BEAST won three times in a row on Music Bank with 'Fiction'.
And during that day, they stood around, leaning on each others' shoulders, spinning around in a circle with an arm around each others' necks while singing their encore song.
As soon as I saw this, my heart felt heavy.
In this world, could there be something more beautiful than this?
This might be the reason why BEAST did better than what I expected.
During a radio broadcast, the DJ said this.
If you see a soccer or a baseball team that never won a game before, they all have a similarity. The members of the team doesn't look at the team's goal (winning), but they care about their own performance and how they look.
I couldn't help but agree to that.
That's right.
Leaning on one another with an arm around each others' neck was quite amazing.
I was introduced to a book,
He said this.
"You can never go far by yourself."
Helen Keller also said this.
"Things that you can accomplish by yourself is not much"
Each of the members of BEAST are worse than weeds by themselves.
The only reason that they stood out was because they threw away their greed of looking good, and their personalities.
I must order BEAST to do this.
"Let's take a step together, leaning on each other, let's take a step forward together"
With their different personalities, hometowns, and how they grew up, there might be some times when they didn't get along well with each others.
There might have been arguments and fights.
But didn't you see that BEAST fought threw all that and finally achieved their goal, to go to the top?
I hope that BEAST continues to understand each other and listen to each other like they have been doing and finish the marathon they have been running.
But BEAST also has their bad sides, some dents too.
Don't you think that the difference in the members' tone, facial feautres, and personalities are actually cool?
Isn't it amazing how the six diverse members of BEAST go well together?
When getting along with someone that looks different from me, a person that has different ideas than me, caring and listening to each other is the main key.
BEAST is made up of 6 people that have very different characteristics.
I hope that you guys will care for each other and stay together forever.
Of course, BEAST is able to be on the top because of us, the B2UTIES.
I hope that BEAST becomes an idol that becomes a rep of Korea.
Also, I hope that they spread the knowledge of Korea all around the world.
That means that BEAST has to become the harmonydol (idol that keeps harmony amongst the people) of K-POP.
If BEAST becomes the harmonydol, they will also become the hope of many who are having tough troubles.
CREDITS: Son IlRak's Cyworld (SOURCE); crazybunny123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)
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