BEAST's Yang Yoseob "weight is 57kg" surprise reveal

BEAST's Yang Yoseob "weight is 57kg" surprise reveal

아이돌그룹 비스트의 양요섭이 자신의 몸무게를 깜짝 공개했다.
양요섭은 최근 경기도 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 진행된 MBC '청춘 버라이어티 꽃다발' 설 특집 녹화에 참여, 자신의 몸무게가 57kg이라고 밝혔다.
이날 퀴즈 게임을 위해 '숙녀시대' 팀 누나(?)들을 연이어 업어야 했던 양요섭은 힘들다며 장난을 쳤고, 이에 몸무게가 얼마냐를 두고 이야기가 오가던 중 양요섭이 결국 자신의 몸무게를 공개하기에 이르렀다.
양요섭에게 50kg대 몸무게라는 데 당황한 다른 여성 출연자들은 "실제 우리들과 별로 차이가 나지 않는다"며 너털웃음을 지었지만 양요섭은 개의치 않는다는 듯 스튜디오를 누벼 또한 눈길을 끌었다.
비스트의 보컬인 양요섭은 이날 숙녀시대 팀의 청일점 멤버로 줄넘기 등의 게임에서 맹활약을 펼치며 누나들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받았다. 이날 녹화분은 오는 6일 오전 방송된다.
양요섭은 최근 경기도 일산 MBC 드림센터에서 진행된 MBC '청춘 버라이어티 꽃다발' 설 특집 녹화에 참여, 자신의 몸무게가 57kg이라고 밝혔다.
이날 퀴즈 게임을 위해 '숙녀시대' 팀 누나(?)들을 연이어 업어야 했던 양요섭은 힘들다며 장난을 쳤고, 이에 몸무게가 얼마냐를 두고 이야기가 오가던 중 양요섭이 결국 자신의 몸무게를 공개하기에 이르렀다.
양요섭에게 50kg대 몸무게라는 데 당황한 다른 여성 출연자들은 "실제 우리들과 별로 차이가 나지 않는다"며 너털웃음을 지었지만 양요섭은 개의치 않는다는 듯 스튜디오를 누벼 또한 눈길을 끌었다.
비스트의 보컬인 양요섭은 이날 숙녀시대 팀의 청일점 멤버로 줄넘기 등의 게임에서 맹활약을 펼치며 누나들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받았다. 이날 녹화분은 오는 6일 오전 방송된다.
Idol group BEAST’s Yang Yoseob revealed his weight.
Yang Yoseob recently participated in the New Year’s special MBC “Youth Variety Bouquet” which was filmed in Kyeong-Gi Do Ilsan MBC Dream Centre. There he revealed his weight to be 57kg.
This day, for a quiz game, Yang Yoseob had to piggyback the nunas(?) of the ‘Lady Generation’ team and he joked, saying he was tired. After this, while the topic of weight was going around, Yang Yoseob eventually revealed his weight.
The female participants who were suddenly embarrassed knowing that Yang Yoseob’s weight was in the 50kg range said “To be honest, his weight is not much different from ours” and laughed a horse laugh. However, Yang Yoseob, seemingly unaffected by this, loafed around the studio, attracting attention once more.
BEAST’s main vocal Yang Yoseob was the only male member in the Lady Generation team this day and actively participated in jump roping and other games, receiving the love of all the nunas. The recorded show from this day will be broadcasted on the morning of the 6th.
Yang Yoseob recently participated in the New Year’s special MBC “Youth Variety Bouquet” which was filmed in Kyeong-Gi Do Ilsan MBC Dream Centre. There he revealed his weight to be 57kg.
This day, for a quiz game, Yang Yoseob had to piggyback the nunas(?) of the ‘Lady Generation’ team and he joked, saying he was tired. After this, while the topic of weight was going around, Yang Yoseob eventually revealed his weight.
The female participants who were suddenly embarrassed knowing that Yang Yoseob’s weight was in the 50kg range said “To be honest, his weight is not much different from ours” and laughed a horse laugh. However, Yang Yoseob, seemingly unaffected by this, loafed around the studio, attracting attention once more.
BEAST’s main vocal Yang Yoseob was the only male member in the Lady Generation team this day and actively participated in jump roping and other games, receiving the love of all the nunas. The recorded show from this day will be broadcasted on the morning of the 6th.
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