Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[BLOG] Son IlRak's Cyworld Update @beastdw

This day, what's happening?
No matter how I think, fans, celebrities and coordinators, and staff are not sure of relationships so they cannot really understand the situation. I think this is what that is happening.^^

As you know, Celebrities lives are surrounded by managers and staff.
To them, managers and staff are like family and friends.

Then I watched them protecting themselves, they are caring managers and staff who i think we should appreciate. Sometimes they are better than flesh and blood if you didn't even consider.

The continuos tension at the end of a broadcast an performance, even when they are seated together with their parents, appreciation will still be directed to the effusive managers and staff. Of course, I have often seen this at broadcast stations too.

Their families and friends, little more than I want to thank them, an encouraging scene changing to jealousy, blaming, this is what a tree is called~~~
No matter how mindless some young fans are an how the reckless like speak~~~

It is not really what they're thinking.

And they speak a little differently but~~~
Everyone try to ponder about it for once.

To everyone, if you are getting a great girlfriend~~~
In the sight of people~~~
And when there are cameras in public places, would you dare to show any affection?
I suppose no one but a fool would do that.

The root of these rumors are silly, let's all clarify it~~~
But following some polarity facing crooked fans with their ridiculous Fiction, let's just ignore the situation of just leave. That too, is hard.

Hmph this kind of people~~~
If they fall into situation, they won't go on a rampage crying, right?^^

This is what I say.
The people in our country all feel that it would be good to have a generous amount of adult times in their hearts.^^
Adult times~~~
Up till now, my co-star has been complaining.

CREDITS: Son Ilrak's Cyworld (SOURCE); 바보Vic@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

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