[CAFE] (♡) 20120512 / 2012 DREAM CONCERT
BEAST 팬클럽 담당자입니다.
이제는 어제가 되어버린 2012 드림콘서트!
무대 위의 멋진 BEAST만 보셨다면
이제는 귀여운 대기실에서의 사진을 보실 차례인 듯?
바로 감상하시죠~
오늘 B2UTY 여러분들도 열심히 흔들어주셨던 BEAST의 공식 색상 풍선!
요섭군도 함께 들었답니다. ^-^

포도주스 마시는 (손) X (남) l ㅣ (신) ↖ ↗

언젠가 올라올지도 모르겠는... 용준형의 셀프카메라(?)

고개를 갸우뚱거리는 예쁜 기광군!

한 동안 푸들마냥 머리를 곱슬곱슬 볶다가 오늘은 핀기광으로 초이스!

흰자 부자 두준군. 거울보는 모습도 맵!시!폭!발!

전 아이돌을 통틀어 모니터링을 가장 귀여운 포즈로 하지 않을까 싶은 현승군.

오늘 오신 B2UTY 여러분들의 착석 컷(?)
너무나도 많이 와주신 덕분에 BEAST 멤버들이 더 힘을 얻어
열심히 공연을 할 수 있지 않았나 싶습니다!

현장에 와주신 모든 분들께 다시 한 번 감사드립니다. ^-^
BEAST 팬클럽 담당자입니다.
이제는 어제가 되어버린 2012 드림콘서트!
무대 위의 멋진 BEAST만 보셨다면
이제는 귀여운 대기실에서의 사진을 보실 차례인 듯?
바로 감상하시죠~
오늘 B2UTY 여러분들도 열심히 흔들어주셨던 BEAST의 공식 색상 풍선!
요섭군도 함께 들었답니다. ^-^

포도주스 마시는 (손) X (남) l ㅣ (신) ↖ ↗

언젠가 올라올지도 모르겠는... 용준형의 셀프카메라(?)

고개를 갸우뚱거리는 예쁜 기광군!

한 동안 푸들마냥 머리를 곱슬곱슬 볶다가 오늘은 핀기광으로 초이스!

흰자 부자 두준군. 거울보는 모습도 맵!시!폭!발!

전 아이돌을 통틀어 모니터링을 가장 귀여운 포즈로 하지 않을까 싶은 현승군.

오늘 오신 B2UTY 여러분들의 착석 컷(?)
너무나도 많이 와주신 덕분에 BEAST 멤버들이 더 힘을 얻어
열심히 공연을 할 수 있지 않았나 싶습니다!

현장에 와주신 모든 분들께 다시 한 번 감사드립니다. ^-^
This is BEAST's fan-club administrator.
Now, the 2012 DREAM CONCERT occurred yesterday!
After watching BEAST's cool stage performance...
I think it's time to see some cute pictures taken while they were waiting in their dressing room now?
Please enjoy viewing them~
Today all the B2UTY worked very hard in waving BEAST's official color balloons!
Yoseob also held it too. ^-^
The grape juice drinking (SON) X (NAM) || (SHIN) ↖ ↗
Don't really know when it's going to be uploaded… Yong Junhyung's self-camera(?)
Tilting his head our pretty Gikwang!
For a long time, Gikwang had the poodle-style curly-curly fried-hairdo but today Gikwang made the "straight-as-a-pin" choice!
The "rich/wealthy in eye-whites" Dujun. Looking at himself in the mirror to make sure his appearance is an!explosion!of!style!
While monitoring the other idols before going on-stage, Hyunseung does it in the cutest pose.
A cut of the seating section from all the B2UTYs that came today(?)
As a result of so many that came today the BEAST members all gained more strength.
Without you, they would not have been so diligent in their performance!
To everyone that came to the site, we want to thank you again. ^-^
Thank you.
This is BEAST's fan-club administrator.
Now, the 2012 DREAM CONCERT occurred yesterday!
After watching BEAST's cool stage performance...
I think it's time to see some cute pictures taken while they were waiting in their dressing room now?
Please enjoy viewing them~
Today all the B2UTY worked very hard in waving BEAST's official color balloons!
Yoseob also held it too. ^-^
The grape juice drinking (SON) X (NAM) || (SHIN) ↖ ↗
Don't really know when it's going to be uploaded… Yong Junhyung's self-camera(?)
Tilting his head our pretty Gikwang!
For a long time, Gikwang had the poodle-style curly-curly fried-hairdo but today Gikwang made the "straight-as-a-pin" choice!
The "rich/wealthy in eye-whites" Dujun. Looking at himself in the mirror to make sure his appearance is an!explosion!of!style!
While monitoring the other idols before going on-stage, Hyunseung does it in the cutest pose.
A cut of the seating section from all the B2UTYs that came today(?)
As a result of so many that came today the BEAST members all gained more strength.
Without you, they would not have been so diligent in their performance!
To everyone that came to the site, we want to thank you again. ^-^
Thank you.
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