110108 Hyunseung's Posts on Yozm
Read from bottom up.

So he wore that for the stage^^ Every member including me has never, either before debut or after, wore the other members apparel not even once~ There have been times where our apparel was same as the others, either we bought them ourselves or the stylist nuna got as a sponser!
The t-shirt I was wearing in the self camera... I'm just telling just in case you guys misunderstand. Today Junhyung received a t-shirt as a gift that is same as my t-shirt's design. There was a problem with Juhyung's inner t-shirt size which stylist nuna prepared for Thanks to performance today, but luckily there was a shirt given from a fan as a present to him that matched with the style.

Bbabam is a sound effect similar to ta-da.
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