On Rainy Days~~~
On Rainy Days
This, it is coughing sounds.^^
How is it? Isn't it cool?
Hull I think it's kind of cool but, you think that I am way behind
Quick sell Yong Junhyung?
Sigh~~~of course.
Quick sell's coughing sounds wouldn't fall behind even if you compared it
To the coughs of a grandpa who has been lying down in a hostpital bed
For 30 years~~~ How could you even compare the
So that's that~~~
This spring there was a lot of rain.
Also, the rainy season isn't that far away either.
And so there will be a lot of "Rainy day" this
And following that I'm trying to say that "On Rainy Days" will do well
In the long run.^^
Everyone on rainy days~~~
On rainy days~~~ what will you all do?
I'm really curious.
Dongwoon's mom is looking at me weird
Reading along beside me, looking at me with a look of pity
As I start off writing with the coughing
Sounds of a sick grandpa.
On rainy days it is the right thing to go out with an umbrella,
Well~~~you'll look awesome if you wear
Colourful rainboots.
Colourful boots and an umbrella.
I'm being careful saying this but~~~
If I go out walking around like this, I won't look awesome but
I'll be treated as
I'm kind of worried.^^
What is good to do on a rainy day?
Isn't it normal to just get hit by the rain on rainy days.
Think about it.
On rainy days, even if you have an umbrella or wear a raincoat, you still
Get hit by the rain.
However, when there is a rain forecast, people get out their
Umbrellas first.
It's almost automatic.
Is it that something really bad will happen if you forget your umbrella
Just once?
Even though this is off topic~~~
I think that most people are slaves to iPhones or smartphones in
Society today.
If they leave them at home, there aren't very few people who don't show
Withdrawal symptoms because of this.
We are so very far from nature,
And the natural life.
In other words, we are living an unnatural life.
An unnatural life~~~
There are many side effects due to this.
When I look at the world going around~~~
It may seem like a dream-like story or a surprising story but~~~
There are times that I want to live a natural life,
Like flowing water.
This kind of life~~~they call it natural without effort, and they also call it
I want to tell you that Les affairs is a totally different concept from
Where you have the sense of a desperate
When your situation isn't very good, prepare for the
Contrarily, if you're doing well, always be in a humble state~~~
I wish that everyone in this world could live a long
Natural life.^^
CREDITS: Son IlRak's Cyworld (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)
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